Saturday, September 29, 2007

How work gets done... PSP style

We will discuss this and other related topics sometime.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Balls to reusable / modular code!

class Progrm1{
public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception{
for (int i=1; i<101;i++)
if (i%2==0)
System.out.println(i + "\t" + Math.sqrt(i) + "\t" + Math.pow(Math.sqrt(i),Math.sqrt(i)));

class EvenNumbers
public static int lowerLimit;
public static int upperLimit;
public static int terms;
public static int evenCount=0;
public static int[] evenArray;
public static double[] evenRootArray;
public static double[] evenRootPowerRootArray;

EvenNumbers(int lower, int upper) throws NumberFormatException
if (lower >= upper) throw new NumberFormatException();
this.lowerLimit = lower;
this.upperLimit = upper;
this.terms = upper-lower;

int setEvenArray()
this.evenArray = new int[this.terms];
for (int loop = this.lowerLimit; loop <= this.upperLimit; loop++)
if (loop%2==0)
this.evenArray[evenCount]= loop;
return this.evenCount;

void setEvenRootArray()
this.evenRootArray = new double[this.evenCount];
for (int loop = 0; loop <>
this.evenRootArray[loop]= Math.sqrt(this.evenArray[loop]);

void setEvenRootPowerRootArray()
this.evenRootPowerRootArray = new double[this.evenCount];
for (int loop = 0; loop <>
this.evenRootPowerRootArray[loop]= Math.pow(this.evenRootArray[loop],this.evenRootArray[loop]);


public class Program1
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
int lower = 1;
int upper = 101;

EvenNumbers eve = new EvenNumbers(lower, upper);
int terms = eve.setEvenArray();

printArrays(eve.evenArray, eve.evenRootArray, eve.evenRootPowerRootArray, terms);
static void printArrays(int[] array1, double[] array2, double[] array3, int terms)
for (int loop = 0; loop <>
System.out.println(array1[loop] + "\t" + array2[loop] + "\t" + array3[loop]);